play rss feed
play rss feed


RSS feed guidelines for Google Podcasts


** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

RSS Feed Reader

Get a simple overview of your RSS and Atom feeds in the toolbar. Keep up with everything you care about in one place with Feeder (


2016年5月21日 — Generate an Atom RSS feed from Google Play Store app reviews. It uses Google's Reply to Reviews API to generate the feed based on apps you ...

How to manually add an RSS feed to your podcast app on ...

2017年2月3日 — Google Podcasts (iOS & Android). Tap on the activity tab in the bottom right corner, then head to the Subscriptions tab in the top right and tap ...


2024年4月16日 — 從網路上隨時隨地閱讀RSS 來源的簡單方法,無需分心。 RSS-Feed 是一個開源應用程序,為專案做出貢獻或發送回饋! 該應用程式具有內建的文章閱讀器, ...

RSS feed for Google Play Store

2012年7月28日 — Apple appstore provides you with an RSS feed to get the latest apps submitted into the app store into your favorite feed reader. I was wondering ...

RSS feed guidelines for Google Podcasts

To be eligible to appear in Google Podcasts platforms, your podcast must be defined by an RSS feed that follows the guidelines described here.

Which podcast apps will my custom audio RSS link work ...

2023年9月28日 — This article will go over which mobile apps can be used to listen to the audio posts your creator publishes on Patreon by using the RSS link ...

How to get an RSS feed of all reviews of an Android app on ...

2012年4月5日 — How can I get an RSS feed of all reviews of an Android app on Google Play? ... RSS feeds of Instagram user rss feeds or Pinterest boards for your ...

The 3 best free RSS reader apps

These 3 free RSS reader apps let you find a replacement for Google Reader—or just start enjoying your favorite content chronologically.


GetasimpleoverviewofyourRSSandAtomfeedsinthetoolbar.KeepupwitheverythingyoucareaboutinoneplacewithFeeder(,2016年5月21日—GenerateanAtomRSSfeedfromGooglePlayStoreappreviews.ItusesGoogle'sReplytoReviewsAPItogeneratethefeedbasedonappsyou ...,2017年2月3日—GooglePodcasts(iOS&Android).Tapontheactivitytabinthebottomrightcorner,thenheadtotheSubscriptionstabinthetoprightandtap ...,202...

Royal 1.59 簡單實在又迷你RSS閱讀器

Royal 1.59 簡單實在又迷你RSS閱讀器
